Wednesday, March 27, 2013


That is me as a man on the far right
 Clergy Member (Religious Leader): First this is what I have been doing for over 30 years and I know that it is a important career. Yes I think that it complements my strengths and interest. As a member of the clergy I have the ability to help my fellow fire/ems professionals handle the stress of the job and defuse their mind using the Critical Incident Stress Debriefing (CISD) model. I was chief of a search and rescue team at the world trade center in 2001 and we were able to have our own CISD team with us.

Academic Adviser: The job of helping someone go to school is something I am proud to say I do. I have been a member of the many organizations whose only goal is to team up with at risk student in the poorest areas and mentor them to stay in school and to dream of college and a better life.  

 Social Worker:  As the executive director of a social service non-profit I wear many hats. I am a (VSO) veteran’s service officer as well as an adviser to survivors of Military Sexual Trauma. I also advocate for MaleFemale/Trans Gender Veterans with a group called AVER.NJ/NY.